Atlantis CSP - Concentrated Solar Power
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    Frequently Asked Questions


    General Questions

    Clean Energy Production

    Clean Energy Investment

      General Questions

    Where are you based?

    Atlantis CSP is registered in London in the United Kingdom. We have our main offices in Madrid and we will be setting up satellite offices in the countries and areas where our CSP Plants will be built.

    Do you manufacture solar panels?

    Atlantis CSP does not currently manufacture its own components for our CSP plants. We do not use or manufacture Photovoltaic solar panels, the components used in Concentrated Solar Power Plants are very different.

    At present we source equipment from manufacturers around the world, based on value, cost and quality, ensuring efficient plants from excellent components at reasonable prices. In the future we may begin direct manufacture of some components if it is deemed that we can produce at a better value than we can currently purchase at.

    Is Atlantis CSP an energy company, can you supply us?

    Atlantis CSP is not a public electricity supply company. We mass produce electricity and water which we supply to distribution companies that supply households directly

    Clean Energy Production

    Do your CSP plants impact the environment?

    Atlantis CSP plants produce no harmful emissions during the electricity and water production process. Any other power storage systems we use we ensure have as little impact on our environment as possible.

    The solar plants take up a lot of land which surely must be harmful to the area?

    The total area that our CSP plants take up is far less than the combination of coal plants, plus the areas disrupted by mining and coal storage. One CSP plant may be large but it includes fuel collection, electricity production and energy storage all in one location.

    We select areas where the land is very arid due to high sun irradiation levels. Then with our irrigation and terraforming abilities we can in fact make the land more fertile for animal and plant life.

    Producing the materials for these huge plants cannot be good for our environment?

    Producing any large scale structure and all of the materials that go in to it, will always produce some additional emissions or biproducts that are not great for our environment. Atlantis CSP tries to limit this in the materials it uses and in the construction process.

    In the long term the reduction in emissions and pollutants created from these CSP plants compared to current coal, gas and oil plants is a huge difference which will have an amazingly positive impact on our environment and air quality.

    Clean Energy Investment

    Why are investment periods so long with Clean Energy Investments?

    Building large scale concentrated solar power plants is not a quick process. From construction to production and then to making a returning on the electricty and water produced takes many years. But every few years we can renew investment once CSP Plants are running smoothly so investors can take out their investments and bank or other lenders are happy to take over.

    Atlantis CSP has made it possible for investors to be involved in these large scale productions without being committed for the full period it takes for the CSP plant to generate a profit. Investors are able to invest in stages of construction and production. So compared to our long term investment in Clean Energy our 3, 5 and 7 year investment options are relatively short term.


    Consultation & Development Enquiries
    Whatever stage your project is at find out how we can either help to
    improve production, reduce costs or assist with development
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